在 LocalBitcoins 上的線上比特幣賣方,一但有買家下單要買,賣方帳戶中對等比特幣會先被 LocalBitcoins 扣住。
在 LocalBitcoins 上的線上買家,一但表示要買某一筆賣單,身為買家也是會怕付款之後BTC收不到。所以,如果有買方付款後賣方却故意不確認到款,而不指示 LocalBitcoins 放行買方所買的比特幣的話,這筆比特幣就會繼續被 LocalBitcoins 中間方(第三方)質押扣住,等待買方提出仲裁要求,提出 dispute。
由買賣之外的中立第三方做仲裁來保障買方,以免買方付款後投訴無門,第三方伴演的就是中間托管的角色,在英文裡是 escrew 的意思。
以下是 LocalBitcoins 上的關於 「買家要怎麼避免賣家收到款後不放行」 的原文:[1]
I’ve paid the seller but I haven’t received my Bitcoins yet. Is this normal?
The sellers usually release Bitcoins as soon as they see your payment, which can sometimes take an hour or two. If you’ve paid but are still waiting there is nothing to worry about, for all online trades are protected by escrow and the seller cannot run away with your Bitcoin.
If there are any issues with a trade and the seller won’t release your Bitcoins, you can dispute the trade to have LocalBitcoins support resolve it.
If you are buying or selling Bitcoins online, you can dispute the trade after 1 hour if you have marked the payment completed.
A dispute can no longer be started if the Bitcoins have been released from escrow or if it’s a local trade without escrow enabled.
When a trade you’re involved in becomes disputed, you’ll receive an SMS notification and an email, in most cases simply starting the dispute is enough to get the attention of your trading partner. A disputed trade is usually resolved within 24-48 hours.